In the loving Memory of our beloved Trustee Late Shri Dharam Vijay Pandit.
This year has witnessed a great loss for National Coalition for Education (NCE) as our two great leaders viz late Shri Ram Pal Bhai and Late Shri Dharam Viajay Pandit have left for their heavenly abode. It is indeed a great loss of death of Shri Dharam Viajay Pandit on 17 th January 2024 at the age of 84.
He suffered a cardiac arrest followed by stroke and breathed his last on 18 th January 2024. His final days were spent surrounded by family and friends that Pandit Ji had touched in some small way throughout his very memorable life. Pandit Ji’s life would seem too short to many, but those who were touched by him understood that the quality of existence far exceeds the quantity of time in which one lives. His gentle smile, thoughtful expressions, courageous initiative submissive decisions were the qualities of joy to us and family members.
Late Shri Dharam Vijay Pandit and his organization Ahmedabad Principals Association joined AIFTO during 1981. He worked Gujrat State Secondary Teachers Federation during 1966 to1974. He was elected as member of AIFTO National Executive Committee in 1987 and as Vic President in 1987. He served AIFTO as Secretary General for 15 years from 2001 to 2015. He further served AIFTO as President during 2015 to 2018.
Mr. Pandit was also elected as member in Education International Asia Pacific regional Executive Committee. He was also elected as Secretary General in SAARC teachers Federation in 2014. He authored and published more than a dozen books in English, Hindi and Urdu. He joine NCE in 2008. He will always be remembered for his bold decisions and stands.
NCE is passing through a transition and facing this irreparable loss. We in NCE express our profound sorrow and grief over the untimely and sudden demise of Pandit Ji . He was always kind and caring and now. We will always miss him and his contribution. We Prey to the Almighty God to bless the departed soul with eternal peace and Sadgati in the heavenly abode and give strength, courage and fortitude to his family to bear this irreparable loss.
Om Shanti!!! May his soul rest in peace…
Who WeAre
Started in 2001, the National Coalition for Education (NCE) is a conglomeration of networks working on the Right to Education comprising of Parliamentary Forum for Ensuring Right to Education; All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF), a union of more than 3 million primary teachers; All India Federation of Teachers Organization(AIFTO), a union of 1.2 million teachers; All India Secondary Teachers Federation (AISTF) with 0.85 million teachers; All India Association for Christian Higher Education (AIACHE), and more than 400 CSOs from 25 states.

More Than
4 Million Teachers
More Than 400
More Than
1200 Girl Leaders
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