Mr. Ram Pal Singh
General Secretary, NCE
President, All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF)

Mr. Ambarish Rai
Treasurer, NCE
Convener, Peoples Campaign for Common School System (PCCSS)

Prof. (Dr). Mondira Dutta
Trustee, NCE
Centre for Inner Asian Studies, School of International Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi- 110067

Mr. Dharam Vijay Pandit
Trustee, NCE
Patron, All India Federation of Teachers Organisation ( AIFTO)

Mr. Indra Shekar Mishra
Trustee, NCE
General Secretary, All India Secondary Teachers Federation (AISTF)

Mr. Reni Jacob
Trustee, NCE

Fr. Joseph Puthenpura CMI
Trustee, NCE
General Secretary, All India Association for Christian Higher Education (AIACHE)

Mr. Rama Kant Rai
National Convener,
Ex Officio Board Member, NCE